Thursday, March 14, 2013

When I Grow Up

In the car on the way to school this morning...

Riley: "Monny, when I grow up, I want to be a Daddy."
Me (interested in where this conversation was headed): "Why do you want to be a Daddy, sweetheart?"
Riley: "Because I want to be a cooker."
Me: "Any other reason you want to be a Daddy?"
Riley: "No. I already TOLD you, I just want to be a cooker."

Attitude aside, it was super sweet and also says a lot about who does the cooking in our family.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Growing Boy

Hard to believe that almost a month has gone by since Chase's teachers called me aside to discuss their concerns about him. I am happy to report that since then, and since we followed his pediatrician's advice and let him "cry it out" for a few nights, Chase has been a MUCH happier, hungrier, active little guy. Although strange to me, it seems possible that re-learning how to soothe himself has made an extraordinary difference.

About 10 days after our meeting with his pediatrician, we were back at the doctor's office getting Chase checked out for pink eye. (As an aside, he had some sort of virus that caused an ear infection and viral pink eye -- who knew there were different types of pink eye -- and he was put on amoxicillin. 8 days later, he broke out in a crazy rash all over his body. Turns out the little guy is allergic to penicillin and it turns out this is not unique on either side of his family -- my mom, sister, nephew and niece are all allergic and so is Casey's dad -- who knew??) Anyway, in those 10 days, he had gained almost an entire pound (which is incredible considering he usually doesn't even gain a full pound in the two months between his well visits). Definitely positive news. His reflux also seems to be under control and he even occasionally will come home from school in the same outfit we dressed him in that morning. I suspect he's just aging out of the reflux issues some, but still find it interesting that the weight gain coincided with all this. Either way, I love tickling his chubby little belly and Riley thinks it's super fun to give him zerberts.

In other positive (I think) news, Chase is trying his hardest to learn how to crawl. At times, he will get frustrated and resort to rolling instead, and truly looks like he is going to dislocate his shoulder because his arm will get pinned behind his back and he'll get stuck laying on it like that until he gets the rest of his body to roll. He can go from a sitting position to a crawling position and can then get himself up onto his hands and knees, but can't quite coordinate the rest of the process and will just rock back and forth on his hands and knees until he gets frustrated and gives up. It is fun to walk into his room in the mornings and find him in his crib on his hands and knees, rocking back and forth, practicing on his own time. He'll look up at you and give you a great big grin. Part of me looks forward to the day when he gets it all together, and part of me is terrified at the thought of TWO mobile, active little guys. How on earth will we keep up with both of them?!?

Another sign that time is flying is the almost arrival of at least three teeth. Much like his brother, it appears that he will get his upper fangs before he gets his front teeth. At least in Riley's case, he got his two bottom teeth first. Poor Chase seems to be getting his two upper fangs and one upper front tooth, but there is nothing to indicate that any bottom teeth are going to make an appearance any time soon. His lack of teeth does not seem to discourage him much from eating -- this kid LOVES food, especially things he can chew on. He will tolerate pureed fruits, veggies and meat (pureed meat??? disgusting if you ask me), but gets absolutely bent out of shape if you stop feeding him puffs, cereal, mashed potatoes or pancakes before he has declared himself done. Teeth would certainly be helpful in this regard -- it seems like more often than not he tries to cram enough pieces of whatever it is he is eating to feed a small army into his mouth at once and gags to the point that it is scary to watch -- and we welcome their arrival (not to mention that it would be nice to not have to hear him whine on and off for a good portion of the day as they try to break through). It will be fun to have him eating what we are, but even so, it is nice to have him as a member at the dinner table now instead of in a swing, bouncy seat or exersaucer on the kitchen floor.

On a totally unrelated note, the dogs seem to have taken a real interest in Chase and love to sit at his feet and gaze in admiration at him during dinnertime.