Saturday, March 22, 2014

Things that Riley Says

Riley is a very smart kid and the things that come out of his mouth are remarkable.  Sometimes he will use words in casual conversation that I don't even know he's ever heard and will use them in perfect context.  This makes his mis-use of words all the more charming.  Here are some of my favorites:

-  Green Patrick's Day (what he call St. Patrick's Day)
-  Constructions (what he calls instruction manuals)
-  Spicy drinks (what he calls carbonated beverages -- he does NOT like spicy drinks)
-  Stripes (what he call wrinkles; I learned this one when he asked me why I had "stripes" on my face)
-  Old MacDonald's (what he calls McDonald's -- he does NOT like McDonald's)
-  Engine Turtles (what he calls Ninja Turtles)