Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sweet Sounds

Today was the BIG doctor's appointment. The one that, if successful, would mean that we have made it through our first trimester without incident.

Our visit to the doctor's office began with some sort of wand thing that they move back and forth over my tummy to try to find the baby's heartbeat. The doctor says trying to find the heartbeat is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. The wait is traumatizing, but alas, there it is... the very fast thump thump thump of the heartbeat. Ahhh, a sigh of relief.

The heartbeat measures in at about 163. This is at the high end of the healthy heartbeat range, or so we're told. We have also been told that a quick heartbeat means it's a girl. We will see...

Next appointment is scheduled for December 17th. On the 17th, they will do the anatomy ultrasound and we will find out the gender of the baby. More waiting, more stress, but we are absolutely THRILLED that the baby is doing well and that we've made it through the first trimester!!! Chances of a miscarriage decrease significantly now, which is of particular importance to us.

For those of you who will be wondering, my first trimester was fairly tolerable. I have not experienced much morning sickness, only brief moments when I feel queasy if I've waited too long to eat. I have continued to run and play tennis. I haven't cried much. Only Casey will be able to truly tell you if I've been moody, but I think I've been pretty decent. I have gained 3.5 pounds so far.

Well, we are off to finally go share the news with our family and friends that we are pregnant. We were waiting to share the news with everyone (including our parents and sisters) until after we'd made it through the first trimester. Finally. Neither of us is very good at keeping a secret.

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