Thursday, May 21, 2009

Still waiting...

Apparently Riley is on his own schedule. Either that, or he's holding out so that we can enjoy one last long weekend as a family of four. Maybe he wants to wait and meet Mommy and Daddy until after they've had one weekend at the pool and have some hint of a suntan. Or he could be waiting until next Thursday so that he can share a birthday with his Mommy and his Aunt Madeline. We will probably never know his reason, but we sure do wish he'd arrive!!!

In the meantime, we are eating spicy food, taking long walks, shopping for long periods of time, driving over speed bumps at obnoxious speeds, etc. You would be amazed at some of the things people have suggested. I had to draw the line at Castrol oil.

I think even the dogs are ready. Both Winston and Wrigley have been resting their heads on my belly with increased frequency. Winston has also tried sitting on the top of my "baby bump" -- I think he is trying to push Riley down himself. They are enjoying the extra walks immensely, so I suspect they'd be OK with Riley continuing to take his time.

Big Papi hit his first home run of the season last night (after a very long slump). We thought that was a sign. Guess not.

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