Monday, January 25, 2010


It's official. I'm in love. It is still amazing to me that my eight month old little man can simultaneously break my heart and make it swell with pride. I was struck by this when driving Riley to "school" this morning. As I turned around to look at him in the back seat like I have done every day since he was born (don't worry, I only do it while safely stopped at a stop light - what kind of mom do you think I am?!?!), I almost burst into tears. There he was looking right back at me using Panda (his mirror). Not only is it cool that he has now figured out how to use the mirror to look at me, but what did he do -- SMILE. And a great big smile as if to say, "I love you, Mommmy". I almost missed the green light because I certainly was not going to be the first one of the two of us to look away.

Only about 5 minutes later I was again struck by this simultaneous sadness and pride. When I dropped him off at "school" and he saw Miss Tamilia and Miss Niga (his teachers), he instantly grinned at them as he does every day (he is such a flirt). But then, much to my dismay, he actually held his arms out for THEM instead of wanting to hang on to ME any longer. I was proud of him for his independence, but sad to know that I am no longer his first choice.

I guess I should get used to it.

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