Monday, February 21, 2011

So You Think You Can Dance?

As you can imagine from the last post, the past few weeks have been... interesting. Thankfully, with the exception of the first day or two, Riley didn't really seem to notice that anything had changed or that Casey and I were quieter than usual. The kid rarely slows down, which during emotionally difficult times, turns out to be a good thing.

One of my favorite things about Riley right now is his propensity to dance under pretty much any set of circumstances. He will dance in the kitchen if we play some tunes on the iPod while cooking dinner, he will dance next to his train set if someone (usually himself) makes the bouncy zebra located right next to it play its crazy music (this is almost always accompanied by hilariously wild shaking of the tambourine we got him at the Dollar Store for Christmas - who said you have to buy expensive toys for a 20-month-old?), he will dance in the car, he will dance in his high chair. If standing, his dancing includes funny leg movements and wild bouncing (although he still hasn't figured out how to bounce in a way that involves his feet leaving the ground). If seated, he sways back and forth. Either way, his arms are flapping every which way (unfortunately, I believe this is a product of him copying the way Casey and I dance - neither of us being terribly coordinated in this department).

On a somewhat related topic, Riley just seems to love music in general. He loves listening to our music, he loves listening to children's music, he (which I will never understand because it is horribly off tune) loves to listen to us sing, he loves to play the keyboard that Casey has kept for like a million years which weighs about a million pounds and is so large that the only place we can store it is underneath Riley's crib, he loved playing the drums at a friend's house the other day(uh oh), and he seemed to think that playing the maracas at his school's Valentine's Day dance was a great idea.

I wonder if all that singing Casey did to Riley when he was a itty bitty baby has rubbed off and we now have the future Bruce Springsteen on our hands...

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