Sunday, June 23, 2013

Snuggle Time

Not sure exactly what is happening, but for the past few nights Chase has woken up around 6:00 a.m., a good hour and a half before his normal wake-up call. It will start out with him just jabbering, clearly talking about something and not sounding the slightest bit tired. Then he'll get quiet for a few minutes, lulling you almost into a false sense of security that you can, in fact, go back to sleep. Then he'll start whining, followed a few minutes later by crying. And not the type of crying that makes you think you can just let him "cry it out." We know the difference by now.

So I've reluctantly gotten out of bed and gone into his room only to find him standing up in his crib waiting for me. He immediately stops crying and breaks out into a big smile when he sees me as if to say, "Look lady, I tried talking to you about it first, but you ignored me, so I gave up and have resorted to this ridiculous crying." As I pick him up out of his crib, instead of squirming to get down as he normally would, he just buries his head in my chest, still clearly tired. Turns out that he was trying to tell me he wanted something and that "something" was me. With my sweet little boy laying with his head resting on my chest, silently sleeping the most contentedly peaceful sleep, I get the very rare chance to study every little feature on his tiny face and count my many blessings until I too fall back to sleep.

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