Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Sweet Baby Chase (am I going to have to give up this nickname pretty soon -- he's really not much of a baby anymore...) woke up before his brother today. After Casey had gotten Chase out of bed and dressed, he put Chase down and he went off running... straight to Riley's room. As Riley had gotten up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom by himself (as an aside, you know you have racked up one small victory as a parent when you hear the pitter-patter of your 4-year-old's feet come out of his bedroom, down the hallway, to the bathroom and back into bed without any requests for assistance in the middle of the night), his door was a crack open, facilitating what was to come. To hear Riley re-tell it in the car on the way to school today was priceless. Chase apparently came into Riley's dark room, found his way over to Riley's bed where he was still asleep, and started babbling on in a language only Chase can understand. Riley then got out of bed, helped Chase into bed, helped him get under the covers, and then they both laid there silently for a few minutes snuggling. Oh to have been a fly on the wall for that one! I asked Riley if he liked having a brother. His reply: "Yes, it's awesome. I love Chase. He has really soft hair."

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