Tuesday, September 15, 2009

And so it begins...

Riley has his first cold. His first illness of any sort, actually. And while I'm grateful that he made it almost 4 months without getting sick, I have a feeling this is the beginning of a difficult fall and winter, especially since he spends his days at daycare.

Although he is not excited about being sick, Riley has been a real trooper. I think he is the most irritated at night because he is used to sucking on his fingers and thumb to fall asleep. Since he can't really breathe out of his nose right now, he is having a hard time falling asleep. But during the day he is his normal cheerful, smiley self, just with a constantly runny nose, a slight temperature (100.3) and a bit of a cough. Nothing the slightest bit alarming, but you better believe we still called the pediatrician. I'm sure the nurse had to suppress giggles while we gave her the list of "very serious" symptoms. :) I bet new parents make their days sometimes.

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