Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Riley's Four Month Check-Up

Wow, have 4 months really gone by already?!?! Amazing. But we feel like we have had Riley in our lives forever at this point, and really can't remember what life was like without him anymore.

Riley weighed 14.1 lbs today at his check-up (33rd percentile - down slightly from the last visit - he was around the 50th percentile then - could be a result of him being sick for pretty much the last two weeks straight (poor guy)). He is 25 inches long (55th percentile - about the same as last time). He received high marks from the doctor and seems to be progressing at a normal rate in all areas of development. He can hold his head high now, and has great neck control, so that is good. He also rolled over from his back to his front for the first time EVER while we were in the examination room waiting for the doctor. There is a mirror that stretches the length of the examination table and he caught site of himself in it (he LOVES the "Baby in the Mirror" as we call him). Apparently he REALLY wanted to get to that baby, so he kept trying and trying and trying and finally made it over onto his stomach. Then he did a mini "push-up" so that he could get a better look. You could tell he was really proud of himself. So cute.

Besides that, not much else to report except that we all love Riley more and more each day. He continues to amaze us all with his sweet, easygoing personality. Always a smile for someone. If only they could guarantee that he'd keep that up his whole life...

I promise to post more pictures soon. I know I have been terrible about that.

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