Friday, December 23, 2011

Tough Night

Riley, as noted many times before, has always been an excellent sleeper. When you put him to bed at night, he really doesn't make a fuss at all and will happily talk or sing himself to sleep.

Last night was an exception. He did not want to go to bed. He cried and cried and cried. Casey and I had to go back into his room countless times to talk to him or rub his back. It was just odd and so very out of character. He slept great after he finally fell asleep, so I was certain it wasn't because he wasn't tired.

I figured it was because he was excited about our trip to Chicago, after all, we have been talking about flying and seeing his cousins and aunt and uncle and grandparents for weeks.

I decided to ask him about it on the drive to school this morning. I said, "How did you sleep last night?" His response (standard these days): "I just closed my eyes." I then asked him why he didn't want to go to sleep. His response: "My cried." "Yes," I said, "you sure did. Were you scared or sad about something?" His response was not at all what I was expecting, but explained everything perfectly: "Wrigley not here. And Winnie." Ah ha! So that explains everything. I had dropped the dogs off last night at the house of some friends where they'll be staying while we're in Chicago. Riley didn't want to go to sleep because they weren't home. "My miss them, Mommy." Yup, buddy, me too.

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