Sunday, January 20, 2013


After enduring a year and a half of a kitchen that was lacking in pretty much everything, we are delighted to finally have a comfortable, functional space. Our refrigerator is in the same room, our pantry isn't musty, we even have a dishwasher. But truly, the best thing about this new kitchen is that it allows us a space to have some quality family time while preparing food, having some drinks and cleaning up. This was extremely apparent last night. Chase, unfortunately, was already in bed, but had been happily playing in his exersaucer in the kitchen while dinner was being prepared and eaten, which was a huge deal because he couldn't even be in the old kitchen with us since it was too small for his carseat or his toys. But anyway, for probably 30-45 minutes after dinner, Casey, Riley and I sat at the new island with the dogs at our feet and listened and sang to music. No distractions from the TV, no toys needed, just an iPad, a speaker and us. We took turns choosing songs, with Riley's song needing to be repeated at least 3 times as he is trying so hard to learn the words. If Chase had still been awake, it would've been one of my most perfect moments in our new house. Even without him there, it was a special time that I hope we will be able to duplicate.

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