Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Zoo Day

The boys' school was closed yesterday in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. [Side note: Last year on this day, when Riley was off from school, I took him to a friend's house in the morning to play while I went to an ultrasound to determine how Chase was faring and if he had survived the first trimester. Amazing how much changes in a year.] We decided to link up with Riley's same friend and his mom (Nicholas and Rachel) and head to the zoo. It was a perfect day for the zoo -- blue skies, bright sun, about 58 degrees. Riley had fun running around with his friend, and loved the "aminals," particularly the big daddy lion named Riley. I don't think Chase noticed the animals much, but absolutely loved spending the day outside. With the exception of when he was eating and sleeping, he did nothing but smile. He is such a laid back little guy (well, unless you are trying to make him drink a bottle, then he is a combination of a bucking bronco and a screaming hyena).

Funny though, the best part of this excursion to me was the time spent in the car with my two boys. Funny how they had the exact opposite reactions to the day: Riley spent the entire car ride to the zoo (which takes about an hour) in great anticipation, talking non-stop. Chase, on the other hand, slept the entire time and didn't make a peep (bless his heart). On the way home, Riley was absolutely exhausted and stared into space in complete silence for about 5 minutes before falling asleep. Chase was geared up and I delighted in hearing him squealing, kicking his feet and thumping around for about 45 minutes before he too fell asleep. I spent the entire 60 minutes thinking about how lucky I was to have such amazing little boys, and how grateful I was to have been able to spend the day with them.

Another side note, this one about the car ride: The whole ride there as Chase slept and Riley talked, I kept thinking how unfortunate it is (in my opinion, at least) that some kids do nothing but watch TV in the car. I love getting to talk to Riley during this time, when neither of us is distracted and has nowhere else to be. It is fun listening to what he is looking at out the window and answering his many questions. It was adorable talking to him about his friend and what they would do at the zoo. The car chats are one of the only times I truly get a glimpse at what makes him tick and of the little boy he is becoming. I cannot wait until Chase's voice will become part of these car chats too.

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