Monday, July 19, 2010


There is nothing much funnier than Riley in the mornings. I can always tell what kind of day it's going to be by listening to the noises coming from his room. On "bad" days, he cries immediately upon waking up. This is about the only way we ever know when he is not feeling well for one reason or another.

On the rest of the days, he begins his morning by squealing with delight over whatever fun thing he is doing in his room. After about 15 minutes of "talking" I will hear what I just heard now -- "uh oh". This can mean only one thing: I will no doubt enter his room and find that his pacifier has been launched out of his bed.

The thing about "uh oh" is that he says it before whatever object has managed to "fall" has even left his hand.

I am certain of two things: (1) when I walk into his room to get him up and dressed, the first thing he will do is flash me a big smile and then he will point to the fallen pacifier and (2) for Riley at least, it is going to be a good day.

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