Thursday, July 29, 2010


Tonight Riley, the dogs and I had the pleasure of meeting up with a dear friend and her little girl for a walk. This was the first time we'd really gotten to see them and spend a few minutes together while not passing by each other on a race to get somewhere (they are neighbors) since her little girl was born at the beginning of June. Because such opportunities are rare, and because it is nearly impossible to find any time these days to enjoy a glass of wine and some stories with a good friend, we decided to combine the two activities. So around the neighborhood we went - two moms, two unruly dogs, two babies in their strollers, two plastic glasses and one large bottle of screw top wine. By some stroke of luck, both children fell asleep, both dogs cooperated and both moms got a chance to talk about nothing and everything all at the same time. How's that for multi-tasking?!?

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