Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Two Year Check-Up

Riley had his 2-year check-up today. He is in the 45th percentile for weight and the 73rd percentile for height.

Things we learned:

1. Shots are still scary.
2. Plastic crabs hanging above the table where the shots are administered make the shots less scary. So does the promise of a trip to the pool shortly following the shots.
3. We are done with shots until kindergarten (which sounds like a lifetime away but will no doubt be upon us before we know it).
4. His fear of planes is slightly abnormal.
5. Pulling out his hair and eating it remarkably is not. It is also a good sign that he seems to have given up this behavior.
6. We should not attempt potty training until we have moved into the new house.
7. Just because he is his normal happy-go-lucky self and isn't pulling on his ears or giving any other indication that they might be bothering him doesn't mean that he doesn't have a double ear infection.
8. Quite possibly the symptoms of "teething" that he's been experiencing have really been the side effects of a double ear infection.
9. He gets (and seems to require) more sleep than most children (I'm pretty sure his pediatrician, who is the father of 3 young children, was jealous).
10. His pediatrician has the patience of Job.

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