Sunday, June 26, 2011


The other week we were at a birthday part for Riley's one-year-old friend, Hannah Brown. It was a hot day and we were more concerned about keeping Riley hydrated than much else. I remember that some of the child-friendly delicacies served were hot dogs, watermelon, goldfish and cake. There were bubbles, balloon and lots of other kids. Lots of fun was had by all.

About a week or two went by and we were in the grocery store. All of a sudden Riley said, "Happy Birthday, Hannah" (which, I will admit, we practiced quite a bit before Hannah's party so that we could show off to all of the one-year-olds how smart our two-year-old was in comparison). I looked around to see if Hannah was in the store. Nope. So we moved on. Riley kept talking about "Happy Birthday, Hannah" and kept pointing. I was certain Hannah's parents must at least be in the store. Nope. As he kept talking and pointing, I finally realized what it was -- he had spotted some watermelon in the grocery store. Of course.

Almost a month later, every time we see watermelon he says, "Happy Birthday, Hannah".

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