Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I believe I have discussed in the past how most of our morning drives to school feel like Groundhog Day with Riley saying the same thing each morning. During winter, it was asking about Baby Jesus and what he was doing. Now, with the nice weather, the cows are out in the pasture at the Children's Home. Each morning, as we are rounding the bend that brings the pasture in sight, Riley will ask, "Are they inside or outside?" (meaning are they in view or somewhere else). Most days they are outside. When he asks what they are doing, I usally respond, "Eating breakfast" or "playing with their friends" or something equally as clever. Today, he again asked if they were inside or outside. Expecting him to say "outside" as the cows came into view, I was completely thrown off when he gasped, "Look Mommy, there's Ferdinand! He's sitting under his cork tree!" And sure enough, there was a lone cow sitting under a tree just like Ferdinand does in the story. And I swear he was just sitting quietly smelling the flowers. (For the record, Ferdinand reminds me an awful lot of Winston.)

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