Friday, May 11, 2012

Muffins with Mom

Each year on the Friday before Mother's Day, Riley's school sets out muffins, juices and coffee for the moms to enjoy with their children on the way to drop the kids off in the morning. Due to Riley's love of sleep, we are almost always the last to arrive, and typically all of the other moms and children have finished on gone on their way by the time we arrive. This year was no exception. Truth be told, I like it that way. Gives me a chance to spend a little quality time with Riley. As previous posts from this week may have indicated, I have not been terribly stellar on the mommy front this week. The awesome thing about Riley is that he either quickly forgives or doesn't seem to notice my shortcomings to begin with. Our breakfast together made this abundantly clear. He insisted on picking out my muffin, putting it on a plate and then bringing my plate to the table for me. He then did the same for himself. There were two chairs at our table, but he insisted that we sit together and share one. As if that wasn't sweet enough, about halfway through our muffins, he looked at me and said, "This is your special day." Yes, my sweet boy, it most definitely is.

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