Saturday, May 5, 2012


One thing I love about Riley is that he's not afraid to sing. Sometimes it's a song I know, sometimes it's one that he's making up on the fly. Typically you know the song is over because he either tells you to clap or sings without missing a beat and without any sort of transition, "the end of the song...". Sometimes you really have to be paying attention. Today, as I was in my closet picking out something to wear, he spotted Casey's old guitar and started strumming it and singing, "I love my mommy... and my daddy... and Winnie... and Wrigley." which of course made me stop and smile. Before I knew it, he was ordering me to sit down. Casey then came into the bedroom to see what was taking so long and Riley commanded him to sit down next to Mommy. Before we knew it, we were being treated to a concert, us sitting on the steps in my closet, him standing on the floor below. First the "I love my mommy and my daddy" song. Then "Itsy Bitsy Spider." I could've sat there all day. He may be off tune, and he may not be Jimi Hendrix, but with that killer smile, those goofy dance moves and his crazy "just got out of bed" hair, he gives one heck of a concert.

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