Wednesday, May 16, 2012


So Riley seems to have learned the notion of "someday." Not sure if he's learned it from us ("The house will be finished someday." "We will go back to Nantucket someday." "We'll be able to relax on the weekend again someday.") or if it's a concept they've been discussing at school. Regardless, it is funny to hear the things he's been coming up with lately. For example, on the way to school this morning we passed a dilapidated old building and he said, "I want to go in there someday." Further down the road he saw what he referred to as a motorcycle (but was really just a mo-ped) and said, "I want one of those someday." Then tonight, on our way to the Club for dinner, as we passed one of the enormous houses in our neighborhood, he said, "I want that one someday." Thinking he meant that we should move to that house someday, I made a comment about how I loved "new house" (which is what he calls our current house) but hoped Mommy and Daddy could afford a house like that for our family someday. Without missing a beat he said, "No Mommy, I want that someday. You and Daddy can stay at new house." Oh.

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