Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Adorable even when grumpy

Let's face it, Riley is a really sweet and kind kid, but even he can have off moments, particularly when he is tired. Tonight was no exception. He got sent to bed early for not listening (he had been using poor Wrigley as a jungle gym in spite of repeated requests to quit crawling on top of her to get to his ball). It is his response, however, that I love. Not quite sure how to fully articulate his thoughts, he looks at me through tear-streaked cheeks and says, "I'm not doing very well." I'm not sure why I love this so much, but it is just such a sweet way of saying what we already know, he's out of sorts. I kneel down to talk to him on his level and he says, "I'm just tired. And I'm cranky." It is moments like these that I am actually the most proud of him. No one is perfect, but at least he is starting to be able to recognize this in himself.

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