Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Kids Next Door

The three boys who live next door have been peering down at Casey and Riley playing baseball from the top of their fort for months. Right around St. Patrick's Day, they started talking to us. Since then, they talk to each other a little more every time they see each other. And just recently, Riley will go talk to them all by himself. Those conversations must be hilarious -- who knows what they talk about -- but it is fun to watch. Casey made the comment the other day, "Sometimes I look at him and can't believe he's my son." He was referring to the fact that he's growing up so fast and it's amazing to watch him develop friends, and just develop in general, in front of our eyes. I imagine it is even more apparent to us right now because his growing independence is in such stark contrast to Chase's constant dependence. I take comfort in knowing that Riley's a sweet, fun little boy and will probably attract quality friends in the years to come. But that doesn't mean we want to let go to let him make them on his own.

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