Thursday, May 9, 2013

Early Wake-Up Call

I rarely (ok, almost never) go out with friends on a weeknight (or ever, really) and last night was one of the rare occasions that I did. I was out "late" (which translates to 10:30 p.m.). Of course this was the morning that Riley woke up early because he had a bad dream. Wanting to still get a bit more sleep, and knowing he likely would not go back to bed if I sent him back to his room on his own, I volunteered to go lay with him in his bed. This kid is rarely still, so getting to snuggle up next to him for a little while was a real treat. He pretended to be trying to fall back to sleep for awhile, but gave up and started banging on the bed (he called it "playing the drums"). Then he started giggling. Then, you guessed it, he started talking non-stop about last night's Red Sox game ("Monny, they were AWFUL!") and how he wanted to call David Ross on the phone (where does he come up with this stuff???). At this point, I gave up all hope of falling back to sleep or even just resting. So he decided he wanted to play "haircut" which is something we used to do when he was younger. For the next 20 minutes (at least) we took turns getting our hair washed, cut, combed and blown dry, with each of us getting a lollipop at the end of each haircut (thank you Mt. Tabor Barber Shop for making him believe it is every person's right to get a lollipop after a haircut).

Not quite the quiet start to my day that I'd been hoping for, but an even better one than I'd anticipated.

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