Thursday, May 23, 2013

Gut Bowl

I am ok with admitting that at times Casey and I can be quite frugal. "Free" events at the Club are a big draw for us. Tonight was no exception. After a long day at work and school, we went to watch the Gut Bowl, a friendly tennis competition between Forsyth CC and Old Town CC. Riley loves to watch tennis, Chase delights in being outside, and Casey and I enjoy the free food and drinks, so it was a win-win-win. What struck me most about tonight (apart from Chase being amazingly well-behaved) was how different this event was for Riley this year. In prior years, he's stayed very near us and either watched the tennis or required us to be his entertainment. Not this year. He wanted a tennis racket, a ball and his baseball glove (???). As soon as he was equipped with these items, he spent the rest of the night playing on the backboard with a bunch of other kids (some who he knew and some who he didn't). He is so independent at times now that it simultaneously breaks my heart and makes me proud. He is a nice kid, decent at sharing, fun to be around, athletic, charming and kind. Could a parent ask for more?

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