Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Alice the Horse

It has become apparent within the last few weeks that Riley is starting to develop an imagination.

Case in point: Tonight Riley and Casey were in Riley's room playing with Riley's rocking horse. I overheard their conversation only enough to hear Casey ask Riley, "Horsie's name is Alex? Or are you saying Alice?"

I immediately knew the answer. Alice is the wonderfully kind lady at Riley's school who serves the children their food each day. It is clear that Riley adores her. Whenever he sees her, he gets a great big grin on his face, points to her and says "Alice".

There is nothing about the "real" Alice that resembles a horse. But still, I found it sweet that he would name his horsie after her. I also found myself wondering when it was that he figured out that real people can enter his make-believe world.

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