Friday, May 6, 2011

Coffee and Muffins

In honor of Mother's Day, Riley's school had some coffee and muffins waiting for us when we arrived to drop the children off at school today. Riley was so excited to see the food when we entered the door and immediately grabbed a few muffins. He then pointed at the coffee and said, "Mommy coffee" and insisted that I get some to drink. He took his muffins over to a tiny little table with tiny little chairs, and we proceeded to have a very sweet Mother's Day breakfast together. As we sat together, each of us in one of those tiny little chairs, I watched (really watched) him as I so rarely take the time to do. And I was so proud to see the little boy that he has become. Simultaneously sweet and energetic. Always taking the time to give the dogs an extra kiss goodbye in the morning and to give his little friends at school a hug before he leaves. Giving high fives and knuckles to the wait staff at the Club. Smiling and saying hi to neighbors as they walk past our house. Flirting with little girls and older women (which, thanks to his father, is sometimes accompanied with an exuberant "Hi ladies"). Reading books. Saying "sorry" (pronounced "saw wee") when he knows he's done something wrong and following it up with a hug or kiss, as if he might actually understand what it means to be sorry.

It strikes me at times like this that maybe we have done something right as parents, but then I wonder if he's just a sweet little guy at heart. Either way, I am proud to be Riley's mommy.

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