Friday, May 27, 2011


As most children his age can be, Riley is a bit uncoordinated at times, which often leads to small injuries, or "boo boos" as he calls them. I think in a prior post I talked about how I always had to kiss the boo boos and then he'd pronounce himself "all better". This has taken on a new twist -- instead of me kissing his boo boos, he now has to kiss them himself. My favorite is when he has a boo boo on his knee and feels the need to kiss it while he's standing up. Needless to say, this is difficult for anyone to execute, but particularly a clumsy two-year-old. He almost always tips over, but refuses to move on until he has kissed his boo boo. Sometimes it can take a good five minutes before he declares himself "all better" and moves on.

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