Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sweet Voice

There may be very few things in this world cuter or more innocent sounding than a child's voice. I could sit all day and listen to Riley count. "Ooone, twoooo, tweee, fo-uh, siiiix (he always forgets five), sebeeen, eiiight, niiiine, ten." For whatever reason, he likes to draw out the vowels in all numbers except for ten, which he always finishes abruptly. Usually this is following by a lot of clapping, smiles and "Yay, Riley!!!" (all of which he does for himself -- very quick to self-congratulate).

Listening to him sing is equally as cute and hysterical. "Winkle, Winkle" (his version of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star) and Issy Bissy Spidah (Itsy Bitsy Spider) are two of my favorites.

I wish I could record his two year old voice and listen to it forever.

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